Lore: Children of the Cosmos

Disclaimer: The following document fragment is presented from an in-character perspective, it should not be taken as the truth of the setting.

Context: Sometimes the writings of mages sound like rambling, but they may still have some meaning, in the right context. Humanity is among the Children of the Cosmos, those living things that posses a “soul”. Even amidst the vast expanse of space and all of the alien races inhabiting the universe, humanity is special, in its own way.

Neither Death
Nor Truth
Nor Lies
Cloud the mind of the Sleepers
Who Slumber
Until Time Ends

Here I Am
As I engrave these Words
Upon Their Skin
May They bear Witness
To Our Great Work

And Beyond
Past the Gate of Ivory and Horn
Past the Black Beaches

Carve Your Name
In Their Skin
Upon Their Bone

You Are

Life brings Pain
For You are not Lifeless
Death brings Pain
For You are not Deathless

You Are

And you Suffer
In Defiance
In Silence

For You will NOT Cease to Be

You Are

The Scars will Remain
Where your Will
Struck Reality
And Cast Down its Shackles

You Are

Childer of Cosmos
Heir of Stars

As the Cosmos gave birth to its own splendour when it cracked the white egg it hid inside, it weaved a tapestry of myriad colours in its wake. Here we stand on the Earth and raise our eyes to the Moonless sky, where we behold the cacophony of creation. It is a canvas of vast Dark, its cold majesty gilded with the fine dust of numberless burning Stars. In this expanse, the unyielding revolutions of the grand Machine slowly grind Time away.

The Earth is a mote among these glimmering cosmic flakes, shimmering like fresh snow in the cold embrace of night. In its absolute insignificance, it is the vessel of every colour we have seen, every sound we have heard, every fragrance that has filled our lungs.

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