Lore: Sand And Time

A repeating theme across a smaller fraction of the game’s lore is the concept that time has an end and that this moment has some metaphysical importance. In this excerpt we see some examples of musings about the subject and a more lucid description of the problem. There might be a reference hidden in here, perhaps you can point it out?

Lore: The Lives of Nightmares

The question is simple: are nightmares alive? After all they are creatures inhabiting the dreaming, fundamentally not that different than souls or gods… or are they? This excerpt discusses what nightmares really are, and if they can be called a form of life. A question born from the nature of the setting where the game takes place.

Autopresentation – Extra – Mitsuru Kirijo

Ok, we’re going to do something a bit different today. Probably a shorter pierce; this might be the start of a series of light analyses of characters. Our first vict… subject will be Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3. We’ll be examining the character in terms of how she presents herself through her appearance, mainly her clothing.