Lore: Traversing The Spider’s Web

Disclaimer: The following document fragment is presented from an in-character perspective, it should not be taken as the truth of the setting.

Context: There are many things out there in the Cosmos that humanity encounters, this week, two chance encounters. Some beings can be quite friendly and sympathetic to humans, but even so, barriers in communication still exist. After all, how do you describe to someone a colour they cannot see?

The Grand Weavers, as strange as they are in their physiology and exotic composition of their forms, are still yet nothing compared to their technology and their understanding of the fundamental elements of reality. Though our attempts to communicate with the entity underneath ████████████████ were met with amicable compliance, little mutual understanding could be gained from it.

In my personal studies, I found the most insightful part of the recorded exchange, to be these thoughts expressed by the Spider to J. Halvorsen, as she tried to speak to it concerning faster than light travel.

“Oh, friend, I could speak to you about the means by which we travel from world to world, I could speak to you about our wings and how we use them. But I worry all you would hear are maddening wails. For how do I explain to you the colours of gravity. Even in the languages of your high mathematics and physics, you lack ways of describing the means by which I perceive reality.

Know that aeons ago, I am unsure of the exact time in your own frame of reference, so we shall call it that, I gestated with my siblings in the warm plasma of a star you have never given a name. This star long since ended its journey through life, but to me, it was home. We swam through its ever-changing embrace and ventured to the cold surface and gazed upon the vibrant pulsating splendour of the Cosmos, rendered to us in all of the six hundred seventy-two colours of gravity that my kind enumerates and names. All categorised by features I am lost for words to explain. Just as you tell me that the name of the colour you see in my perceptive organ is red, yet I know not what that means. You call me the white Spider, yet I do not know what that is. I have experienced what you named snow, and I do not see myself as being anything like it. We cannot explain the colours we see to each other.

You see, my friend, I cannot tear away your Mask from you. I cannot show you the world as it is, as I do not know it.”

But perhaps in that explanation lies the solution to the riddle. We’ve tried to consider the Grand Weavers’ technology through the lens of Elder Gods’ flesh. Yet the answer might lie elsewhere, in the dreaming lands. With humanities recent discoveries and ventures into the realm of Ontological Constructs. Were we to consider our own technology, the mastery of the material Gestalt that we have accrued, it is not limited to our physiology. It starts with what we touch and extends from there in layers, each further divorcing it from us, up until the point at which we exist now, where human hands cannot craft human technology.

The Inertialess, Energyless Graviton Drive J. Halvorsen and N. Christiansen theorises about may be as likely to come from the same exotic matter the Weaver is composed of, as the possibility of crafting a space shuttle with nought but the caress of our fingers.

No, instead it seems to be a much more reasonable conclusion that the so-called drive, how the Weavers travel, carried upon waves of gravity, comes from the dreaming. The very concept of a fundamental, personal understanding of fields, particles and energies we have not even named. A replicable memetic procedure that allows them to travel at the speed of light without the expenditure of energy. We cannot conceive of it, we cannot even imagine it.

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