Lore: A Modern Day Haunting

Disclaimer: The following document fragment is presented from an in-character perspective, it should not be taken as the truth of the setting.

Context: Not everything that acts like a ghost and haunts people is actually a ghost, sometimes there are other creatures that act in much the same way. The presented incident could look like a ghost haunting or some kind of demonic curse, when presented to a Norma, but to mages the supernatural is a matter of science, not superstition. Magical practices are even regulated by law, to at least reduce the number of dangerous events such as this.

Tumbleblog entry: 17.██.████
Title: My first paranormal seance

We went to that old house today. Wow, I feel like a chicken, haha! Completely lost my shit in there. I still think it might have been ████████ fucking with us, but I guess it might have just been our imagination. You can really work yourself up with these things.

But yeah, iunno, it was fun. Like I don’t believe believe in ghosts, but it’s so cool to pretend there’s like a haunted mansion off the edge of town, right?

████████ set up this sense with an Ojai board, so we all stood there around this table and were asking questions to the ghost of the old lady of the house. It was super creepy just on its own, but then there was this noise… like this screeching from somewhere down below. ████████ was screaming so loud and we just burst out into laughter. And then we packed up and left.

Iunno, I guess it was kinda uneventful, but it was cool. I enjoyed spending some time with ████████ and ████████, we don’t get to hang together as much as we did.

Kinda makes me want to write a story about it haha! I’ve not posted anything on my FF in ages. Well, we’ll see.

Tumbleblog entry: 22.██.████ (deleted)
Title: Today sucked

Ok, I’m just gonna say I’m not feeling ok.

The police was here today, I mean just this one officer. ████████ went missing. They were asking me a lot of questions about him and what he’s been doing lately. That maybe I knew something important or someone they could question.

I had nothing to tell them really. ████████ is just a friend, I didn’t even know him that well. I don’t think he got into bad company or was doing drugs or anything like that.

Pray for him, ok? So they find him. I don’t know. I just don’t understand what’s happening. I’m worried, but I hope it’s going to be fine, whatever is happening.

Tumbleblog entry: 27.██.████ (deleted)
Title: I think someone wanted to burgler me

I had to call the police today. There was someone looking into my room through the window today. Like I went to the bathroom and when I returned I just kinda saw the outline there in the corner of the window I could see his eyes.

Anyway, told my housemates too. I’m going to go to the livingroom and just watch the TV. There’s a bunch of anime I can catch up with, haha. So I’m going to just watch stuff until morning. Feels like the best thing to do. I don’t know, the police said to just check up all the doors and windows and stay inside. Said they’ll direct someone to do a pass by us.

Thought they’ll do something more. Like Iunno, send someone to check up on us or something?

Tumbleblog entry: 28.██.████ (deleted)
Title: WTF brain?

I had a very bad dream today. It’s all because of yesterday. Fug me I’m such a big baby, haha.

But yeah, I dreamt that I woke up and there was someone tapping on the window. So I peered out. It was ████████ and ████████… so yeah, I guess ████████ disappearing bothered me… they never found anything. It sucked. No idea about ████████ though, haha! I shot her a private just to check up and told her I had a dumb creepy dream about her.

But yeah, they were there and they were looking very grey and weird. Kinda like zombies you know? But then I woke up in my bed again and felt very confused.

Dunno, just been bothering me. I feel stressed about ████████ and a lot of different stuff. Uni too.

Tumbleblog entry: 30.██.████ (deleted)
Title: In memory of ████████

Holy shit. ████████ is dead. She had a stroke or something. Sorry, I just can’t think straight. But yeah, her mother called today because I was on her friends list and they were calling everyone up and saying what happened. They found her in her room yesterday. Fuck this sucks. I can’t even believe this is true.

Anyway if you knew ████████ and didn’t hear the news yet, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If you want to talk or something HMU.

Tumbleblog entry: 03.██.████ (deleted)
Title: Life, please

So yeah, remember when I said someone was creeping on my room?

Someone broke our door today. Police said it was an attempt at a forceful entry. We were out and noticed only when we came back, so it was a good time for them I guess? The door was broken in but lodged. I thought it was a strong door but guess not, haha. The officer said it had to just be old or badly made, but not badly enough to let them get in.

Fortunately ████████ is letting me couch surf. Going to pack up some of my stuff and go there in a bit.

Tumbleblog entry: 08.██.████ (deleted)
Title: I’m either cursed or crazy

I had a dream today again, about ████████ and ████████, they were outside my window again and there was someone else with them but I don’t know who it was.

Woke up because the window in the room I was sleeping in… which b.t.w. is ████████’s living room. Thanks ████████ you’re great.

But yeah, I think I forgot to close it and it shattered due to the wind or air pressure closing it. Ugh, whatever. I’m gonna pay her back for the window. It’s fine. She said no but I insisted.

But yeah haha, I think we summoned some ghost, and it cursed us all with bad luck or something.

Tumbleblog entry: 12.██.████ (deleted)

Can you go crazy because two of your friends died and then you had bad luck? Because I just spent the whole day looking at the Internet and I’m pretty sure I have multiple mental disorders, haha.

But I think I have psychosis or something. I’ve been hallucinating. It sucks. I’m gonna go get my head check out, so pray for me, ok?

The Vatican Court further established that ████████ ████████ (the current owner of the mansion and the grandson of ████████ ████████ who summoned the creature initially), committed gross negligence by not disposing of it. Neither metal nor wards last endlessly without maintenance and to let the mansion fall into such disrepair that the creature broke out of its confinement and began hunting was fully their responsibility.

In the end, this led directly to the death of twenty-seven people before the creature’s presence gained the Secretum’s attention. The being was hunted down half a year after it was released and found to be a Drinker of Faces.

These creatures are known to be belligerent and dangerous, acting not only violently but known for stalking and tormenting its victims before feeding on their mind. For ████████ ████████ to possess such a being in captivity violated Secretum regulations.

When questioned, he refused to give any reason why this creature was kept in his family’s possession. Much less why the containment of such a dangerous Other was compromised in this fashion.

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